Session Index

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology I
Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021  13:15-15:00
Presider: Prof. Ming-Chang Shih (施明昌)/Prof. Meng-En Lee (李孟恩)
Room: 303a
13:15 - 13:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0488
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0301-O001
Lu-Ching Hsueh Development of Integrated Optoelectrical Amplifier and High Resolution Smart Thermal Sensor with Light-Emitting Transistors
Lu-Ching Hsueh;Sheng-Wen Cheng;Hsin-Yu Lin;Mukul Kumar;Chao-Hsin Wu

The study investigates the current gain (β) and optical light output between InGaP / GaAs light-emitting transistors (LETs) at different temperatures. From ambient temperature to 358K, the Darlington LET's current gain (β) improves 94.11%, which is desirable for the high resolution smart thermal sensor. Finally, we made the first optoelectrical amplifier in the world using LET.

13:30 - 13:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0533
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0301-O002
Yu-Chieh Lo THz Dielectric-grating Free-electron Laser
Yu-Chieh Lo;Wen-Chi Chen;Xuan-Long Ho;Alex Kopeykin;Chia-Hsiang Chen;Yen-Chieh Huang

We report the design and fabrication of a dielectric-grating waveguide driven by 40-keV electrons to emit narrow-line radiation at 0.56 THz. With a current density of 8 A/cm2, the coherent THz radiation builds up from bunched electrons in about 2 ns.

13:45 - 14:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0122
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0301-O003
Hanling Tsay Random-modulated pulsed lidar based on transient response of gain-switched semiconductor lasers and homodyne interference
Hanling Tsay;Fanyi Lin

We generate and analyze random-modulated pulses based on the transient response of a gain-switched semiconductor laser and homodyne interference for pulsed lidar applications. Benefited by the low-correlated waveforms, lidars utilizing random-modulated pulses possess the advantages of no range ambiguity and immune to interference. With proper control of the laser drive current and the length of the homodyne delay, we successfully generate low-correlated random-modulated pulses suitable for the pulsed lidar applications. In compliance with the class-1 eye-safe regulation, 3D imaging with millimeter precision revealing the details of a hand is demonstrated.

14:00 - 14:15 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0035
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0301-O004
Meng Ting Han Off-normal Lasing in High Contrast Grating Membrane via Bound States in the Continuum
Meng Ting Han

Bound states in the continuum (BIC) have been attracted scientists to study intensive research due to its unique characteristics which are significant for both fundamental physics and practical applications. By using the mechanism of Friedrich-Wintgen BIC, we can realize the off-normal lasing with variable emission angles.

14:15 - 14:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0554
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0301-O005
Tien-Dat Pham Ti:PPLN Heralded Single Photon Sources Integrated With Adiabatic Passage Couplers
Tien-Dat Pham;Yang-Teng Li;Yen-Ru Chen;Hung-Pin Chung;Chih-Sung Chuu;Yen-Hung Chen

We demonstrate an on-chip heralded single photon source based on a type-II periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) spontaneous parametric down-converter (SPDC) and a 7-waveguide adiabatic coupler system, integrated in a Ti-diffused LiNbO3 waveguide platform. The PPLN SPDC generates cross-polarized photon pairs when pumped at 785 nm, while the adiabatic coupler system works both as a pump filter and a broadband polarizing mode splitter. The photon pair generation rate of such an integrated SPDC source is estimated to ~10^4 s^(-1) at a pump power of 4.5 uW.

14:30 - 14:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0098
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0301-O006
Chia-Lun Tsai 23-fs, 3-kHz, 0.44-mJ pulses at 515-nm generated by nonlinear pulse compression in a gas-filled chamber
Chia-Lun Tsai;Liang-Xian Xie;An-Yuan Liang;Shih-Cheng Liu;Ming-Shiang Tsai;Ming-Chang Chen

Nonlinear pulse compression is used to generate 23 fs, 0.44 mJ ultrafast green pulses from an Yb:KGW solid state regenerative amplifier. By passing through an Ar-filled gas filled chamber, the original spectrum is broadened. Then, chirp mirrors are used to compensate the spectral phases.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology II
Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021  15:15-17:00
Presider: Prof. Yen-Hung Chen (陳彥宏)/Prof. Chao-Kuei Lee (李晁逵)
Room: 303a
15:15 - 15:45
Manuscript ID.  0078
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0302-I001
Invited Speaker:
Frank Setzpfandt
Parametric frequency conversion in nanostructured lithium niobate
Frank Setzpfandt

Thin-film lithium niobate enables to combine the advantages of the lithium niobate material with nanoscale optical elements. Here, I will review our recent results in the realization of nanostructured lithium-niobate components for nonlinear frequency conversion. Special emphasis is on the use of these structures as sources of correlated photon-pairs.

15:45 - 16:00
Manuscript ID.  0053
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0302-O001
silvano donati 3-D Profilometry by Self-Mixing Interferometry
silvano donati

We show that the speckle phase error incurred when the laser spot is scanned over the diffusing surface can be made as low as 10..20-m for object sizes in the range 3..10-cm. This result is new, at the best of our knowledge, because it is usually assumed that when the spot moves of its size the phase becomes uncorrelated and the measurement can't be done anymore. We carry out numerical simulations of the process, and derive an analytical model to evaluate the phase error and the NED (noise equivalent displacement) of the profile measurement by SMI (self-mixing interferometer).

16:00 - 16:15
Manuscript ID.  0524
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0302-O002
Hossein Shirvani Near-infrared Free-electron laser on a Nano-chip
Hossein Shirvani;Luo Hao Peng;Wen Chi Chen;Yen Chieh Huang

We present the study of a near-infrared free-electron laser consisting of a 31-um long dielectric grating with a 310-nm grating period in a 400-nm thick silicon waveguide on a glass substrate. When driven by a ~50-keV electron flying 100 nm above the structure, the nano-grating generates a laser-like radiations at ~1.5 micron via Bragg and backward-wave resonances. This work paves the way to miniaturize a bulky free-electron laser to a chip-size device.

16:15 - 16:30
Manuscript ID.  0340
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0302-O003
Wan-Ping Chan DNA-driven nanocavities integrated with a few fluorophores to approach strong coupling
Wan-Ping Chan;Jyun-Hong Chen;Wei-Lun Chou;Wen-Yuan Chen;Hao-Yu Liu;Hsiao-Ching Hu;Chien-Chung Jeng;Jie-Ren Li;Chi Chen;Shiuan-Yeh Chen

Strong coupling between an atom and a cavity has been utilized for quantum photonic devices. The alignment between an atom and a cavity needs atom trapping and high vacuum equipment, which are hardly to be integrated into a microchip. Here, DNA strands are used to connect a gold nanoparticle and a gold film to construct a nanocavity and simultaneously integrate a few fluorophores to form a strong coupling unit. This method produces high cavity yield and strong coupling yield. Combination of this method with e-beam lithography can further position strong coupling units on a specific location of a microchip.

16:30 - 16:45
Manuscript ID.  0329
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0302-O004
Te-Hua Liu The Influence of Mode Changes of High-Power DFB Laser on Bandwidth Under Various Temperature Condition
Te-Hua Liu;Chieh Lo;Hao-Tien Cheng;Yun-Cheng Yang;Chao-Hsin Wu

We fabricated a high-power distributed feedback (DFB) laser. In the experiment, the measured temperature and the injected current are changed, we observed the difference in the frequency spectrum. In the microwave measurement, it is found that the switching between DFB mode and FP mode will affect the oscillation frequency.

16:45 - 17:00
Manuscript ID.  0119
Paper No.  2021-THU-S0302-O005
Zhi-Kuang Lu High Power High Speed 940 nm Flip-Chip VCSEL Array with Narrow Divergence Angle Micro-Lens for LiDAR
Zhi-Kuang Lu;Hao-Chung Kuo;Hsin Chiang;Dong Yang;Min-Hsiung Shih

In this study, we design the structure of flip-chip tunnel junction VCSEL to improve speed, output power and conversion efficiency for medium and long-distance sensing. Through the design of flip-chip structure and tunnel junction, the PCE can improve to 57.8%.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology III
Friday, Dec. 3, 2021  10:45-12:00
Presider: Prof. Yuan-Yao Lin (林元堯)/Prof. Shou-Tai Lin (林碩泰)
Room: 303a
10:45 - 11:00
Manuscript ID.  0674
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0303-O001
Ming Shung Tsai Multi-wavelength Yellow-Orange Lasers on Monolithic chi(2) Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
Ming Shung Tsai;K.-H. Chang;C.-C. Fan;F.-H. Yang;T.-F. Pan;B.-W. Wu;S. Mohand Ousaid;A. Boudrioua;L.-H. Peng

Simultaneous multi-peak yellow-orange laser based on monolithic Nonlinear Photonic Crystals(NPCs) was demonstrated. The temperature bandwidth(FWHM) of our design could reach near ten degree and slope efficiency was over 8.5%. Furthermore, the number of peaks could be controlled by modulating the periodicities of the OPO and SHG/SFG part.

11:00 - 11:15
Manuscript ID.  0521
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0303-O002
Cang-He Guo Tunable THz parametric amplifier seeded by strongly focused Stokes wave
Cang-He Guo;Yen-Chieh Huang

We demonstrated the THz wavelength tuning between 5.43 and 6.1 THz without aligning. By strongly focusing the seed laser, the optical path can satisfy the momentum conservation of non-collinear phase matching in a THz parametric amplifier. The measured maximum output THz energy was ~2.26 μJ at 5.7 THz.

11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID.  0018
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0303-O003
Chun-Yu Cho Mid-IR continuous-wave intracavity optical parametric oscillator with optically pumped semiconductor laser
Chun-Yu Cho

Utilizing intracavity optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is an efficient method for generating continuous-wave mid-IR laser. However, when the solid-state gain medium was utilized as the parent pumped near-IR source, serious self-pulsing well be observed due to the strong coupling between relaxation oscillation and OPO depletion. In this work, optically pumped semiconductor laser is employed to overcome the self-pulsing issue. Theoretically analysis is also performed to verify the experimental result.

11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID.  0613
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0303-O004
Kun-You Huang Extraordinary Response of VCSEL on RIN Spectrum
Kun-You Huang;Jui-Hung Weng;Gong-Ru Lin

The relative intensity noise (RIN) spectrum is a parameter that can be used to choose a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) for transmission. The RIN measurement is from 100Mz to 20GHz. However, this range may ignore the frequency response higher than 20GHz, and affect the performance of VCSEL.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology IV
Friday, Dec. 3, 2021  13:00-14:30
Presider: Prof. Sheng-Kwang Hwang (黃勝廣)/Prof. Jui-Yang Feng (馮瑞陽)
Room: 303a
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID.  0724
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0304-I001
Invited Speaker:
Tien-Chang Lu
Progress of active control of surface plasmon polariton nanolasers on graphene-insulator-metal platform
Tien-Chang Lu


13:30 - 13:45
Manuscript ID.  0008
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0304-O001
Yun-Cheng Yang Signal Processing Free 25-50 Gbps Oxide-Confined Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
Yun-Cheng Yang;Hao-Tien Cheng;Chao-Hsin Wu

This letter presents the static and microwave characteristics, 100 GBase-SR4 eye mask margins, and eye diagrams of volume manufacturable 850-nm oxide confined VCSELs with 7 μm diameter oxide aperture. The VCSELs with high dynamics performance design enable high-quality eye diagrams with 25.781 Gbps on-off-keying (OOK) and 28 Gbaud 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4) at room temperature and 75 °C without pre-emphasis, digital signal processing, and any equalization.

13:45 - 14:00
Manuscript ID.  0472
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0304-O002
Qun-Lin Zheng A 10/20 GHz All-PM Figure-9 Hybrid Mode-locked Er-Fiber Laser with Nonreciprocal Phase Shifter
Qun-Lin Zheng;Yi-Jang Hsu;Yinchieh Lai

We have successfully demonstrated a 10/20 GHz all-PM Figure-9 hybrid mode-locked Er-doped fiber
laser. With the help of a nonreciprocal phase shifter in the fiber loop, stable mode-locked pulse trains are
obtained under the high repetition rates and the pulse-width can be as short as 1.7 ps.

14:00 - 14:15
Manuscript ID.  0579
Paper No.  2021-FRI-S0304-O003
Yun-Hsiu Cheng Electro-optical Numerical Modeling for the Design of High Power Ridged Semiconductor Laser Diodes
Yun-Hsiu Cheng;YUH-RENN WU

This study uses the 2D electro-optical numerical model developed by our laboratory to analyze the electrical characteristics and optical field distribution for different designs of ridged semiconductor laser diodes. By changing the design of the structure beside the ridge, the difference of model gain properties are discussed.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Poster Session I
Friday, Dec. 3, 2021  14:00-16:00
Presider: n.a.
Room: Corridor
Award Candidate (Paper Competition) Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0666
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P001
Kai-Wei Liu Exploring multiple optical vortices generated by frequency-doubled Raman lasers with mode conversion
Kai-Wei Liu;Shen-Chen Chen;Jung-Chen Tung

We employ the selectively pumped solid-state laser with the stimulated Raman scattering and second-harmonic generation to generate the frequency-doubled Hermite-Gaussian modes (FDHGMs) at 588nm. The FDHGMs are transformed by using an external cylindrical mode converter to generate various structured lights with multiple optical vortices. It is demonstrated that the number of vortices can be raised from 2 to 9 with increasing off-center displacements.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition) Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0660
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P002
Kai-Wei Liu Exploring multiple optical vortices generated by frequency-doubled Raman lasers with mode conversion
Kai-Wei Liu;Shen-Chen Chen;Jung-Chen Tung

We employ the selectively pumped solid-state laser with the stimulated Raman scattering and second-harmonic generation to generate the frequency-doubled Hermite-Gaussian modes (FDHGMs) at 588nm. The FDHGMs are transformed by using an external cylindrical mode converter to generate various structured lights with multiple optical vortices. It is demonstrated that the number of vortices can be raised from 2 to 9 with increasing off-center displacements.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition) Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0649
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P003
Shen-Chen Chen Controlling orange multiple optical vortices by using Raman lasers with astigmatic transformation
Shen-Chen Chen;Kai-Wei Liu;Jung-Chen Tung

We employ an off-axis pumped Nd:YVO4 laser with stimulated Raman scattering and second harmonic generation to generate frequency-doubled Hermite-Gaussian modes at 589 nm. By using an astigmatic mode converter (AMC), the generated frequency-doubled Hermite-Gaussian modes are straightforwardly transformed into corresponding Hermite–Laguerre Gaussian modes with multiple vortices. Furthermore, we can control spatial distribution of the optical vortices by rotating the angle of the AMC.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition) Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0562
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P004
Wan-Hsuan Lin Nonlinear optical characteristics based on ligand-modified CsPbBr3 quantum dots
Wan-Hsuan Lin;Ja-Hon Lin;Zong-Liang Tseng;Yi-Chung Yang;Liang-Yu Jian

The two photon absorption (TPA) of ligand modified CsPbBr3 QDs film has been demonstrated from TPA PL measurement, which shows the quadratic depend on pump intensity. Through the z-scan measurement, the normalized transmittance reveals a symmetric dip with relative large TPA coefficient about 4.71×103 cm/GW than previous reports.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0559
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P005
Yi-Chien Wu White-Lighting Optical Communication based on Blue LD with Ultrathin Perovskite Color Conversion
Yi-Chien Wu;Gong-Ru Lin

The ultrathin perovskite paper enables the color-converted white-lighting of an 80-mW blue laser diode without severely compromising its encoding bandwidth to demonstrate a 10.8-Gbit/s 8-QAM-OFDM optical wireless data link over 0.3-m free-space after waveform pre-leveling.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0555
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P006
Shih-Chun Kao Multimode VCSEL encoding Bit loading discrete multitone data streams
Wei-Chi Lo;Shih-Chun Kao;Gong-Ru Lin

The multimode vertical cavity surface emitting laser (MM-VCSEL) produced with 7.5 um oxide-confined aperture is performed for intra-data-center application. By employing bit loading discrete multi-tone (DMT) data streams, the data rate can boost up to 145 Gbit/s. When operating at 55oC, the degraded output power and encodable bandwidth of the MM-VCSEL under heating limits its maximal data rate to 130 Gbit/s.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0485
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P007
Yi-An Wei Complex refractive index properties of ABS with rice husk ash by THz Time-domain spectroscopy
Yi-An Wei;Hsin-Yi Peng;Yi-Sheng Cheng;Young-Chou Hsu;Kao-Chi Lin;Yun-Chi Ruan;Chin-Pao Cheng;Chan-Shan Yang

Terahertz plays a pivotal part in numerous technology fields in modern times. In addition to light source and detector, THz application requires guiding devices such as lenses, waveguides, and reflectors. The absorptivity of the common 3D printer materials is larger than 5 cm-1 which does not match the requirement of high refractive index and low absorption rate producing lenses. In the study, it's found that the mixture of ABS powder and the rice husk ash (RHA) which is composed of SiO2 decreases the absorption rate effectively. Therefore, it is suitable for 3D printer materials on making a lens of THz.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0461
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P008
Po-An Lin Optimization of visible diode-pumped solid-state Pr: YLF CW laser
Po-An Lin

We demonstrated the optimization of blue diode-pumped Pr:YLF laser by varying mode overlap between pumping mode and cavity mode. When the pumping power was 1.2W, the output power and slope efficiency were achieved to 204.2mW and 34.1% respectively.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0345
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P009
Aloysius Niko;Quan-Hsiang Tseng;Tien-Dat Pham;Hung-Pin Chung;Yen-Hung Chen

We report a novel fast optical switch in a LiNbO3 photonic-circuit chip integrating an electro-optic (EO) polarization mode converter and a broadband adiabatic polarizing beam splitter. A high power-switching efficiency of ~95% can be obtained over a broad bandwidth of >100 nm (1520-1620 nm) via the temperature tuning with an EO switching voltage of ~20 V. Such a device can be of potential interest to quantum photonic manipulation when further integrated with a type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion source.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0266
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P010
Yi-Kai Jin Transmission and Detection of Electrons on a Single Electronic Circuit
Yi-Kai Jin;Jian-Jang Huang

In semiconductor heterostructures, such as GaN / AlGaN structures, there is a layer of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), which can be used as an electron source. The Electrons in two-dimensional electron gas can be attracted by an external electric field is transported to the receiver through a zero-potential track, and a series of current pulses generated by electron transmission are generated at the receiver.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0112
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P011
Wan-Chen Tsai Influences of Cavity Loss on the Formation of Lissajous Transverse Modes in a Diode-Pumped Nd:YVO4 Laser
Wan-Chen Tsai;Pi-Hui Tuan

We explore the effects of cavity loss on the morphologies of Lissajous modes generated in a diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser by varying the cavity output transmittance. Experimental results show that Lissajous mode patterns gradually break into several segments with the growing cavity loss due to the photon decoherence. By further using theoretical resonant modes of the spherical cavity, the experimental observations are well reconstructed to give a quantitatively relation between the system dissipation and output transmittance for studying structured photon decoherence in the future.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0102
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P012
Chin-Hao Tseng 160 Gb/s true physical random bit generation using broad-band, high-entropy semiconductor laser chaos
Chin-Hao Tseng;Ryo Funabashi;Kazutaka Kanno;Atsushi Uchida;Chia-Chien Wei;Sheng-Kwang Hwang

This study investigates broad-band, high-entropy chaos generation using a semiconductor laser subject to intensity-modulated optical injection for true physical random bit generation. The proposed chaotic source can be used as a 2-bit true physical random bit generator at a rate of 160 Gb/s with guaranteed unpredictability.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0302
Paper No.  2021-FRI-P0301-P013
Yu-Cheng Song Efficiency improvement of a thuilium Q-switched ytterbium-doped all-fiber laser
Yu-Cheng Song;Tzong-Yow Tsai

We theoretically explore the mechanism in a thulium Q-switched ytterbium-doped all-fiber fiber laser using a set of rate equations to model the correlations between the photons and the five energy levels of thulium involved in the Q-switching mechanism. We demonstrate that by coupling with a gain-switched resonator, the Q-switched laser is stabilized up to the maximum pulsing rate that is limited by the lifetime of level 3H5. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that revealed that level 3H5 plays an essential role in re-initialization, achieving sequential pulses and limiting the maximum repetition rate.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology V
Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021  09:00-10:30
Presider: Prof. Ja-Hon Lin (林家弘; 北科大) /Prof. Te-Yuan Chung (鍾德元)
Room: 303a
09:00 - 09:15
Manuscript ID.  0653
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0305-O001
Jian-Hung Lin Novel 7 x 1 high-power fiber laser combiner
Jian-Hung Lin

We present a novel 7 × 1 fiber laser combiner for high-power fiber laser by using a glass tube bundling method and micro-nano structure technique. A high output power of 4210 W is obtained by launching a power of 4240 W using four near-single mode Yb-doped fiber lasers (YDFLs) with operating at wavelength of 1070 nm.

09:15 - 09:30
Manuscript ID.  0610
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0305-O002
Hao-Tien Cheng VCSEL array with Binary Pattern Distribution for Sensing Applications
Hao-Tien Cheng;Jian-Syun Pan;Wei-Hao Lin;Yun-Cheng Yang;Chao-Hsin Wu

In this manuscript, we demonstrate our 940 nm VCSELs (vertical-cavity surface-emitting
lasers) with a peak optical output of 7.2 W under pulsed operation. The 50 devices are
arranged in a unique binary pattern distribution design for improved sensing applications.

09:30 - 09:45
Manuscript ID.  0056
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0305-O003
Jyun-Zong Yu Laser Processing and Simulation for High Frequency Substrate Materials based on Multiphoton Absorption
Jyun-Zong Yu;Jui-Chi Chang;Chia-Yuan Chang;Chien-Jung Huang;Hsin-Yu Chang

Laser material processing for structure at micrometer level includes various phenomenon, such as photochemical, photothermal, photoablation and photodisruption, depending on laser and material parameters. Different high frequency substrate materials are studied in this paper. After the laser pulse energy is absorbed, the thermal model is used to simulate result of laser processing. Furthermore, due to the material optical properties, the multiphoton-excited fluorescence microscopy (MPEFM) could reconstruct the material fluorescence images for the 3D processed structure.

09:45 - 10:00
Manuscript ID.  0106
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0305-O004
Bo-Ru Zhao All-Fiber-Based High-Peak-Power 1250 nm Femtosecond Light Source for Clinical Imaging
Bo-Ru Zhao;Chi-Kuang Sun

In this paper we report the development of an all-fiber-format sub-megawatt-peak-power femtosecond light source at 1250 nm for clinical imaging. Driven by a Yb-fiber laser, we successfully generated 34 fs 1244 nm pulses with a 13.3 nJ pulses energy through self-phase modulation in a photonics crystal fiber in the weak negative dispersion region.

10:00 - 10:15
Manuscript ID.  0336
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0305-O005
Mukul Kumar Simulation Study of Quantum-Well Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Structure to Thermally-Enhanced Current Gain for Thermal Sensor Application
Mukul Kumar;Ying-Tzu Chen;Lu-Ching Hsueh;Chao-Hsin Wu

In this paper, we have investigated the simulation-based study of InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) structure having 12 nm-In0.2Ga0.8As as quantum well in its base. The current gain of QW-HBTs is enhanced around ~248% with the increasing temperature from 300 K to 400 K, which characteristic is opposite to the simple HBTs based structure. The thermally-enhanced current gain is achieved by using the capture-escape model, parabolic quantum well model, Luttinger-Kohn k.p. model in the simulation. This study makes the application of QW-HBTs structure on the design of a smart thermal sensor promising.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Poster Session II
Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021  09:30-11:30
Presider: n.a.
Room: Corridor

Manuscript ID.  0651
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P001
Wen-Hsuan Kuan Thermal Property of Optical Doughnut Generated by Stress-Induced Few-Mode LPG
Wen-Hsuan Kuan;Kuei-Huei Lin

Thermal property of the optical doughnut beam generated by a stress-induced few-mode LPG is studied from 24.0 to 149.8 degree Celsius, for which the doughnut shape is virtually maintained up to 80.9 degree Celsius. The robustness of optical doughnut against temperature variation has demonstrated its potentials for applications in harsh environments.


Manuscript ID.  0426
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P002
Wen-Hsuan Kuan Intracavity Optical Sensor with SOA-Based Fiber Laser
Wen-Hsuan Kuan;Kuei-Huei Lin

Intracavity optical sensor is constructed with SOA-based fiber laser, which is used in the sensing of lateral stress. The work point is set by polarization controller for broader measuring range with improved sensitivity. As compared to the extracavity scheme, the sensitivity is increased by 10.88 times for the intracavity sensor.


Manuscript ID.  0300
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P003
Yi-Shan Shih InP/ZnSeS quantum dots/Si photodetector for broadband white light detection
Chao-Yu Tiao;Yi-Shan Shih;Jun-Hao Shen;Wei-Chen Tu

We present a simple-processed InP/ZnSeS quantum dots/Si photodetector for the broadband white light detection. By modifying the distribution of InP/ZnSeS quantum dots, the responsivity of the photodetector can be effectively enhanced which will be a promising candidate for outdoor sensing applications


Manuscript ID.  0489
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P004
CHUN-TSE WU Simulation Framework of Laser Produced Tin Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Light Emission
CHUN-TSE WU;Yao-Li Liu;Po-Yen Lai;Shih-Hung Chen

Enhancement of the conversion efficiency (CE) of Laser-produced plasma extreme ultraviolet (LPP-EUV) light emission at 13.5 nm is a crucial issue for large volume semiconductor manufacturing. The revised one-dimensional plasma simulation code MEDUSA is integrated with the atomic model, collisional radiative equilibrium model and the radiation transport model to investigate this multi-time scale processes of LPP-EUV light emission. The simulation framework has been validated by comparisons with some experimental results and has become an essential tool for optimizing the CE of LPP-EUV light emission.


Manuscript ID.  0064
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P005
SHAO-WEI HUANG Optical Dispersion Polarity Sensor Estimation with Frequency Resolved Optical Gating

SHG FROG (second-harmonic frequency-resolved optical gating) is a powerful and compact tool for measuring ultrashort laser pulse characteristics. However, due to its the symmetry, it is not easy to directly determine the phase polarity. Therefore, in this paper, we set up two LEDs, which have nonlinear two-photon absorption effect and add extra dispersion to one LED. The measured power difference can be used as an indicator to reveal the measured dispersion polarity.


Manuscript ID.  0184
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P006
Chang-Chi Chung Laser Frequency Stabilization by Using the Lock-in PID of RedPitaya STEMlab
Chang-Chi Chung;Che-Chung Chou;Tyson Lin

Abstract: We present an experiment on laser frequency stabilization to an acetylene absorption line with Red Pitaya STEMlab. Instead of conventional bulky and expensive instruments, we apply the Lock-in PID App of Red Pitaya STEMlab to perform the modulation, phase-sensitivity detection, and PID feedback control. We successfully lock the frequency of a DFB diode laser to the center of first derivative spectrum of an acetylene V1+V3 P(9) line. The Allen deviation estimated from the residual error signal is 3 × 10-10 in a 10-s integration time.


Manuscript ID.  0125
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P007
Yu-Zhe Cheng High-power structured oval beams with controllable transverse orders by an Nd:YVO4 laser in a near-hemispherical resonator
Yu-Zhe Cheng;Pi-Hui Tuan

High-power structured beams with oval transverse morphologies and controllable order by increasing pump power are realized in a tightly-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser in a near-hemispherical resonator. By fine-tuning the cavity length in the near-hemispherical region, the aspect ratios and the detailed structures of the generated oval beams can be adjusted. Moreover, theoretical resonant modes for spherical cavities are used to reconstruct the oval beams to characterize the relation between the increasing mode order and input pump power. With the overall output power beyond 3.5 W while maintaining well-defined structures, the generated oval beams can offer promising source for future applications.


Manuscript ID.  0531
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P008
Chou Shao-wei Plan of Table-Top X-Ray Source driven by 100TW Laser System in NCU
Chou Shao-wei;Shan-You Teng;Chun-Cheng Chu;Wei-Cheng Liu;Hsu-Hsin Chu

Table-top coherent X-ray source has drawn significant attention in recently. We propose two methods of constructing table-top X-ray source by using shock-front injection in a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA). By using shock-front injection, the electron bunches are injected during a sharp transition of plasma density. The length of density transition is significantly shorter than the plasma wavelength and offers a highly localized injection. The first method is using a tilted shock front to break radial symmetry of injection and generate polarized betatron radiation. The second method is using a undulator to create free electron laser (FEL).


Manuscript ID.  0428
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P009
Yao-Li Liu Tomography of High-order Harmonic Generation
Yao-Li Liu;Shih-Chi Kao;Yi-Yong Ou Yang;Zhong-Ming Zhang;Jyhpyng Wang;Hsu-hsin Chu

A tomographic technique for the growth process of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from a laser-irradiated gas target is developed by integrating in situ measurement of the 3D phase-matching profile with interaction length control. Incorporating the phase-matching profile, calculation of HHG field emission and propagation reproduces the measured HHG growth curve as well as distinctive features of the far-field beam profiles.


Manuscript ID.  0317
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P010
Jing-N Lin 1550 nm kHz Linewidth Fiber Laser Based on Rayleigh Backscattering Methodology
Li-En Wang;Dong-Chang Li;Jen-Jie Chieh;Jing-N Lin;Zi Wang;Lina Marlina;Shien-Kuei Liaw;Chien-Hung Yeh;Hsiou-Hsin Tsai;Hiroki Kishikawa

A simple, low-cost, single-longitudinal mode C-band narrow-linewidth optical fiber laser is presented based on the Rayleigh backscattering methodology. The laser linewidth is 4.176 kHz. The optical signal-to-noise ratio is 59.86 dB, and the output power is 2.816 mW. It can easily achieve single longitude-mode output by controlling variable optical attenuator.


Manuscript ID.  0293
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P011
Ming-Hsiung Wu 100-kW-class Coherent THz line emitter
Ming-Hsiung Wu;Chang-He Kuo;Bao-Dong To;Yen-Chieh Huang

We generated ~70-kW and ~100-kW peak powers at 5.7 THz external and internal to a silicon prism coupler, respectively, atop a KTP difference-frequency generator with two pulsed narrow-spectral-width line-shape pump lasers.


Manuscript ID.  0290
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P012
Han-Chun Chi Numerical simulations of conventional soliton and stretched pulse in Er3+-doped mode-locked fiber laser
Cheng-Hsien Yu;Han-Chun Chi;Jhih-Wei Chang;Yin-Wen Lee

We report on the study of conventional soliton and stretched pulse in an Er3+-doped mode-locked fiber laser through the insertion of a high numerical aperture fiber for intracavity dispersion manipulation. The stretched-pulse operation with broad bandwidth has been demonstrated through the numerical simulations.


Manuscript ID.  0213
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P013
Jun-Wei Hsu Direct vortex lasing at the wavelength of 1.3 μm in an azimuthal symmetry breaking resonator
Jun-Wei Hsu

A Nd:YVO4 vortex laser at a wavelength of 1.3 μm is generated in a azimuthal symmetry breaking resonator of which a spiral phase plate is placed within. The vortex laser is formed as a coherent superposition of off-axis beams. In addition to a doughnut-shaped intensity distribution, the topological charge of the laser is identified to be one by interfering the vortex with its own mirror-reversal processed by Dove prism.


Manuscript ID.  0193
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P014
CHIEN-CHUN KUO Supercontinuum generation in nonlinear waveguide by cross phase modulation

Supercontinuum generation by two-mode femtosecond laser pumped nonlinear
waveguide is investigated theoretically, inparticular the superposition of a weak anomalous
dispersive mode and a strong normally dispersive mode. Adopting a nonlinear Schrodinger
equation which includes self-phase modulation, cross phase modulation and self-steepening
effect, not only dispersive wave is confirmed to emerge under the contribution of XPM but
also the spectral broadening of stong normally dispersive mode is improved.


Manuscript ID.  0070
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P015
Jin-Wei Lin Passive mode-locking of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser by intracavity sum frequency generation
Shou-Tai Lin Lin;Zheng-Yan Li;Jin-Wei Lin

A continuous-wave mode-locking (CWML) laser by using intracavity sum frequency generation (SFG) with cascaded second-order Kerr lens effect is demonstrated. Adopting 15 mm long KTP crystal and type II nonphase-matched SFG process, an average power of 3.1 W at 1064 nm output was obtained under two 11.8 W diode lasers. The mode-locking pulse width was measured to be ~2.5 ns by an oscilloscope and the pulse repetition rate were observed at 170.4 MHz for both polarizations.


Manuscript ID.  0571
Paper No.  2021-SAT-P0302-P016
Yi-Ze Lee 16-Gbit/s 16-QAM-OFDM Transmission for Visible Light Communication Based on Low-Power 405-nm Laser
Yi-Ze Lee;Yi-Chien Wu;Gong-Ru Lin

A visible light communication (VLC) using a low power 50 mW 405-nm violet laser diode (VLD) directly encoded with orthogonal frequency division multiplexed quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM-OFDM) data is demonstrated experimentally. At a distance of 0.2-m, a record data rate of up to 16 Gbit/s is obtained. The complete 4-GHz bandwidth of the 405-nm VLD was encoded with 16-QAM-OFDM data, resulting in an error vector magnitude (EVM) of 16.68 percent, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 15.57 dB, and a bit error rate (BER) of 2.75×10^-3, all of which passed the forward error correction (FEC) criterion.


Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology VI
Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021  10:45-12:15
Presider: Prof. Ming-Chang Chen (陳明彰; Shang-Da Yang (楊尚達)
Room: 303a
10:45 - 11:00
Manuscript ID.  0058
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0306-O001
Chang Shu Yu Ultrashort pulse laser compression using deformable mirror
Chang Shu Yu;Chang Chia Yuan;Chang Jui Chi

The ultrashort pulse laser is composed of many components of different frequency which have different propagate speed in material because of different frequency. The result called dispersion. In this paper, we take frequency resolve optical gating(FROG) to measure the ultrashort pulse information. Using 4-f pulse shaper system which compose of a blaze grating and a 39 channel linear deformable mirror to achieve pulse compression

11:00 - 11:15
Manuscript ID.  0046
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0306-O002
Yu-Wen Chen High Order Vortex Beam Emission of Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser with Honeycomb Lattice
Yu-Wen Chen

In this study, we investigated the lasing characteristics of Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser (PCSEL) with honeycomb lattice. The light-current-voltage (L-I-V) performance, lasing spectrum, far-field patterns, and the photonic band diagram were analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. Furthermore, the laser beam featuring with orbtial angular momentum (OAM) was predicted from the numerical simulation and observed from the far-field pattern, which gives rise to more extensive applications.

11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID.  0296
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0306-O003
Hsiang-Yu Wang A 10 GHz Fabry-Pérot etalon stabilized mode-locked fiber laser with external nonlinear optical pulse compression
Hsiang-Yu Wang;Jyun-Ting Lin;YI-JANG HSU;Yinchieh Lai

A 10 GHz active mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser is stabilized by a high Finesse Fabry-Pérot etalon. The output pulses are nonlinearly compressed from 15 ps down to 2 ps by using the high nonlinearity fiber (HNF) combined with the single mode fiber (SMF). Excellent agreement between the simulation and experimental results is achieved. The simulation also indicates that the stationary rescale pulse scheme can be utilized to further compress the pulse width down to 500 fs if multiple stages of HNF+SMF are used.

11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID.  0430
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0306-O004
Hsu-hsin Chu He^1+ Based High-Harmonic Generation Operated from Water Window to keV Spectral Range
Hsu-hsin Chu;Yao-Li Liu;Jyhpyng Wang

He^1+ based high-harmonic generation operated from water window to keV spectral range is proposed. The selective-zoning method of quasi-phase-matching is utilized to overcome the severe plasma dispersion in the highly ionized medium. Our calculation shows that the relative conversion efficiency reaches about 15% of the perfect phase-matching condition. Wavelength tunability is achieved by incorporating a programmable spatial-light modulator to control the quasi-phase-matching pattern.

11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID.  0511
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0306-O005
Ya-Po Yang Electrically Synchronized 700-ps 1.3-µm Pulsed Laser for Generating Subpicosecond LWIR Pulses
Ya-Po Yang;Jheng-Yu Lee;Jyhpyng Wang

Terawatt level CO2 laser is considered a promising tool for proton acceleration. We choose a new approach to construct a high-energy seeding system for large-aperture CO2 amplifiers based on nonlinear mixing of 1.3-µm and 1540-nm pulses. In this paper we report
the performance of a Nd:YAG disk-based regenerative amplifier seeded by an electrically synchronized 700-ps, 1338-nm gain-switched diode laser. The seeded amplifier produces an output energy of ∼3.5-mJ with a timing jitter of ∼30-ps-rms, sufficient for smoothing the comb-like spectrum of CO2 amplifiers by power broadening.