Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design I
Dec. 2, 2021 13:15-15:00
Presider: |
陳學禮(NTU) |
Room: |
303e |
Notes: |
13:15 - 13:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0425
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O001
Chemical Lift-off of InGaN Micro-scale Light-Emitting Membrane
Membrane-type InGaN micro light-emitting diode with a bottom porous-AlGaN DBR structure has been separated from the sapphire substrate through a chemical lift-off process. The n+-AlGaN:Si/n-AlGaN:Si stack structure has been transformed into the porous-AlGaN/n-AlGaN distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) through an electrochemically etching process. The electroluminescence property was observed in the conductive InGaN light-emitting membrane on ITO/glass substrate by using the vertical current injection process.
13:30 - 13:45
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0310
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O002
Moumita Deb
Developing SnO2 based flexible H2S gas sensor on food plastic wrap
Moumita Deb;Po-Yi Yi Chang;Pin Hsuan Li;Olivier Soppera;Hsiao Wen Zan
Fabrication of H2S gas sensor on flexible substrates using conventional metal-oxides annealed at over 300oC temperature is not feasible. Here, we have demonstrated SnO2 based NIR- annealed ultra-sensitive H2S gas sensor on food plastic wrap at lower than 50oC as revealed by the thermal imager. The SnO2 film was deposited on plastic wrap by sol-gel process and subsequently annealed by NIR laser (20W/cm2) for 60 seconds. The sensor exhibited the detection limit of H2S gas up to 100 ppb. The NIR power controls the metal-oxide bonds which influence the response of the sensor as suggested by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
13:45 - 14:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0622
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O003
Bo-Zhi Huang
Large-Area and Uniform MoS2 Thin Films Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Bo-Zhi Huang;Lin-Hsiang Lee;Gui-Sheng Zeng;Sheng-Hui Chen
MoS2 with the superior properties has been extensively investigated as a next generation semiconductor channel material to electronic and optoelectronic devices. We applied the CVD method at argon flow 10 sccm and vulcanization temperature 800 °C to grow MoS2 films. Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy have confirmed the MoS2 films were trilayer to monolayer.
14:00 - 14:15
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0086
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O004
Chung An Hsieh
Investigation of Current Enhancement in Ammonia Gas Sensor by P-type Doping
Chung An Hsieh;Li Yin Chen
The operational current of an F4-TCNQ doped PTB7 ammonia gas was greatly increased compared with the non-doped PTB7 gas sensor. To understand the mechanism behind the difference of operational current between the two devices, we used space-charge-limited current (SCLC) analysis and UPS measurement to investigate the effects of doping on carrier mobility and the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) levels.
14:15 - 14:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0528
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O005
Hong-Lin Zhuo
Development of Optical Monitoring System for Drum-Based Plasma-Assisted Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
Hong-Lin Zhuo;Chien-Jen Tang;Chen-Ching Lee;Wei-Hsiang Chan
A method for improving the accuracy of stopping criteria for the broadband optical monitoring for drum-based plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering is proposed. The method used slope of merit function as criteria for terminating deposition to control layer thickness. A five-layer anti-reflection coating was used to verify the proposed method in broadband optical monitoring system.
14:30 - 14:45
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0169
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O006
Guo-Long Zhu
Investigation of Parallel Structured Ga2O3-based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Deep Ultraviolet Photodetectors
Guo-Long Zhu;Shao-Chi Weng;Hsin-Ying Lee;Ching-Ting Lee
In this work, the films for fabricating Ga2O3-based metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet photodetectors were deposited by vapor cooling condensation system. Under bias of 5 V and wavelength of 250 nm, photocurrent, responsivity and detectivity of Ga2O3 MSM-PDs in parallel structure were 2.10 nA, 0.16 A/W and 7.5 × 1011 cmHz0.5W-1, respectively.
14:45 - 15:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0637
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1001-O007
Chia-Ming Mai
Implementation of High Speed Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator Using Organic Semiconductor
Chia-Ming Mai;Mohamed Hammad Elsayed;Ho-Hsiu Chou;Shang-Hua Yang
In this work, we report our implementation of high speed THz spatial light modulator using organic semiconductor. The material is fabricated by modifying a well-known photocatalyst material, graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4). We conducted characterization on the modulation depth, carrier lifetime of the sample. From the results, maximum modulation depth of 27.13±0.12% in time domain and 24.55 ± 0.031% is observed, while the carrier lifetime is determined as 4.527 ± 0.178 ns. The results suggest more than 10 folds enhancement compared to gallium arsenide (GaAs), indicating the promising potential of applying modified (g-C3N4) as THz SLMs.
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design II
Dec. 2, 2021 15:15-17:00
Presider: |
洪毓玨(NTHU) |
Room: |
303e |
Notes: |
15:15 - 15:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0588
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O001
Yen-Jen Chen
Hindering effect of particulate matter on radiative cooling efficiency
Yen-Jen Chen;Shau-Liang Chen;Sih-Wei Chang;Chun-Man Kan;Hsuen-Li Chen
Mie scattering and three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3D-FDTD) are used to simulate the electromagnetic fields inside and around particles of granular material and to investigate their thermal radiation absorption effects. A comprehensive study of the mass absorption cross-section thermal radiation hindering effect of the main particulate matter is presented.
15:30 - 15:45
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0349
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O002
Yu-Ting Tsai
Investigation of Contact Resistance and Transport Mechanism in P-type SnO Thin-Film Transistor
Yu-Ting Tsai;Yu-Chen Chang;I-Chun Cheng
Inverted staggered bottom-gate p-type SnO TFTs were fabricated on glass substrates. The contact resistance and transport mechanism were investigated by the transmission line method (TLM) and temperature-dependent I-V measurement. Gate voltage (VGS)-dependent contact resistances and Arrhenius temperature-dependent drain currents were observed in the ON state, indicating that the hole transport mechanism in SnO TFTs was dominated by the “trap-limit band conduction.”
15:45 - 16:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0249
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O003
Ying Chou Lu
Simulations and experimental investigations of thermochromic performances of VO2 nanocone array
Ying Chou Lu;Chun Hway Hsueh
The subwavelength VO2 nanocone array could yield the ultrahigh Tlum due to the graded refractive index and the excellent ΔTsol resulting from the localized surface plasmon resonance effect. The effects of d/D ratio, height and porosity of nanocone array on thermochromic performances were theoretically investigated. The single-layered VO2 nanocone array exhibits the ultrahigh Tlum of 93.3% with the excellent ΔTsol of 6.1%, and the remarkable thermochromic performances of ΔTsol = 19% and Tlum = 69.5% could be obtained with the increasing layer number.
16:00 - 16:15
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0148
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O004
Che-Jia Chang
Layered Graphene Growth on Sapphire Substrates
Che-Jia Chang;Po-Cheng Tsai;Wei-Ya Su;Po-Tsung Lee;Chun-Yuan Huang;Shih-Yen Lin
Following similar growth procedures, a second graphene layer can be grown on the graphene/sapphire sample surfaces. A similar D/G peak ratio with the first graphene layer suggests that similar crystallinity may be obtained for the second graphene layer. After fabricating the graphene films into bottom-gate transistors, enhanced field-effect mobility values are observed for the device with two graphene growth cycles. The results indicate that although similar crystallinity is obtained for the second graphene layer, the second graphene growth cycle may help to heal the first graphene layer such that higher field-effect mobility value will be observed for the graphene transistor.
16:15 - 16:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0470
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O005
Yi Chen
Design of shadow-mask for linear variable filters with graded-index-like film by plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering
Yi Chen;Chien-Jen Tang
The graded-index-like film with shadow-mask was used to design linear variable filter. A program was written to model and simulate the relative thickness of the AlN and SiO2 films influenced by different target-substrate distance. Moreover, optimization of shadow-masks for AlN and SiO2 films to achieve spatial variation in notch‐band center wavelength across the substrate surface.
16:30 - 16:45
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0068
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O006
Bo Han Lin
Multi-reflection Bands Generation from Single-Pitched Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Films
Bo Han Lin;Chun Ta Wang
We reported a multi-reflection bands film which is generated by stacking single-pitched photo-polymerized cholesteric liquid crystal films. The reflection bands position can be controlled by changing the ratio of liquid crystals and solvent.
16:45 - 17:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0665
Paper No. 2021-THU-S1002-O007
Chou Chia-Ming
AlGaN-based Photodetector with Multiple Porous-AlGaN/GaN Interfaces
Chou Chia-Ming
EC-treated porous-AlGaN/GaN stack structure has been demonstrated as the photo-detector with multiples 2DEG channels. The PL emission intensity of the EC-PD was higher than the ST-PD at 345nm. The Al content of the AlGaN epitaxial layers in PD structure were analyzed through the photoluminescence measurement. The photo-current of the EC-PD was higher than the non-treated PD structure at 335nm monochromatic light. The EC-PD structure with multiple AlGaN/GaN channels had been demonstrated which have potential for the high efficiency UV detector applications.
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design III
Dec. 3, 2021 10:45-12:00
Presider: |
廖博輝(TIRI) |
Room: |
303e |
Notes: |
10:45 - 11:00
Manuscript ID. 0208
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1003-O001
Ping-Tai Jiang
Sputtering Ga-doped ZnO thin film to apply on touch sensor
Ping-Tai Jiang;Yen-Sheng Lin
In this study, the various thickness of Ga-doped ZnO (GZO) film had been deposited on PC substrate, the microstructures and loading test were analyzed to obtain the optimal sensing film for future application in touch sensors.
11:00 - 11:15
Manuscript ID. 0159
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1003-O002
Po-Hsiang Chao
NO Gas Sensor Based on ZnO Doped Ga integrated with Pt Micro Heater and Channel Length Effect on Sensing Characteristics
Po-Hsiang Chao;Ray-Hua Horng
Most gas sensors like catalytic gas sensors and semiconductor gas sensors need a heater to provide appropriate temperature for gas sensing. Metal oxide semiconductors have been used in gas sensing widely. Since most electronic gas sensors must operate at a working point of 300oC or above, integrating a micro heater into the sensor is a subject that has to be studied. ZnO doped Ga based thin film apply to gas sensors and how to design and optimize the integration of the micro heater into the gas sensor is investigated in this study.
11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID. 0620
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1003-O003
Zhi-Guang Chen
Epitaxial Growth of Gallium Nitride Films on Sapphire Substrate by the Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
Zhi-Guang Chen;Chong-Wen Zheng;Sheng-Hui Chen
In this paper, the pulsed magnetron sputtering was applied with low temperature and low cost to deposit gallium nitride films on sapphire substrate for large area fabrication. Finally, a single crystal GaN film has been deposited by stacking 2D/3D structure with good surface roughness.
11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID. 0512
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1003-O004
Chuang Hsuan Chueh
Investigation of Interdigital Electrode on Indium Tin-Oxide (ITO) Thin Films by Thermal Evaporation Coater
Chuang Hsuan Chueh;Chieh Hsun Chen;Shih Chang Shei;Nan Ming Lin
Indium tin oxide is an n-type wide-bandgap semiconductor with good transmittance and resistivity. In our experiment, we set 3 pieces of ITO at same condition such as voltage, procedure. Moreover, we will discuss the difference of temperature raise for 3 kinds of electrodes. We will measure each transmittance by UV and resistance by Four Point Probe Sheet Resistance Meter before our experiment.
11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID. 0500
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1003-O005
Pei Rong Lin
The Effects Of Gas Flow Growth Inorganic Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskites Film By Chemical Vapor Deposition
Pei Rong Lin
In this article, we report the effect of gas flow on growth inorganic perovskites film by low pressure chemical vapor deposition system (LPCVD). The thickness of the film increased with gas flow. The film quality was also affected by gas flow, which influence the optical and electric properties.
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design IV
Dec. 3, 2021 13:00-14:30
Presider: |
劉柏村(NYCU) |
Room: |
303e |
Notes: |
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID. 0738
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1004-I001
Invited Speaker: Po-Tsun Liu
Versatile Thin Film Transistors for Display Electronics Applications
Po-Tsun Liu
13:30 - 13:45
Manuscript ID. 0222
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1004-O001
Dun-Jei Zhang
The Influence of Stacking Sequences to 2D Material Hetero-structures
Dun-Jei Zhang;Po-Cheng Tsai;Wei-Chen Tu;Shih-Yen Lin
In this report, we have investigated the optical characteristics of mono-layer MoS2/mono-layer WSe2 hetero-structures with different stacking sequences. With the wafer-scale MoS2 fully covered the WSe2 flakes, a type-II band alignment of the MoS2/WSe2 hetero-structure will result in a reduced PL for both MoS2 and WSe2 luminescence. However, when WSe2 flakes are transferred to MoS2 surfaces, despite the same weakened MoS2 luminescence, a significant WSe2 luminescence enhancement will be observed. The phenomenon is attributed to the partial detachment of WSe2 flakes on MoS2 surfaces.
13:45 - 14:00
Manuscript ID. 0303
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1004-O002
Rahim Bakash Kolaru
Photo-induced ammonia gas sensing by organic semiconducting molecules, poly(3-hexylthiophene), on anodic aluminum oxide substrate
Rahim Bakash Kolaru;Sajal Biring
Here we demonstrate high response of poly(3-hexylthiophene) based ammonia gas
sensor fabricated on AAO membrane with laser patterned customized interdigitated silver
electrodes. The proposed sensor exhibits limit of detection up to 1 ppm and remarkably high
response compared to the one fabricated on glass substrate. The wavelength dependent response
of this organic semiconducting molecule to ammonia gas has been investigated thoroughly.
14:00 - 14:15
Manuscript ID. 0634
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1004-O003
Guan-Ying Lee
The investigation of novel quantum-dot-color-conversion layer via lift-off
Guan-Ying Lee;Shou-Wei Wang
In this study, we focus on the fabrication and packaging of quantum dots on micro Light-Emitting Diode array, proposing two experiments to improve the performance, and design one structure to reduce the coffee ring caused by spin coating process.
14:15 - 14:30
Manuscript ID. 0630
Paper No. 2021-FRI-S1004-O004
Cheng-Han Ke
Pixel Circuit with Leakage Compensating Scheme and Simple Control Signals for Low-Frame-Rate Displays
Cheng-Han Ke;Yu-Sheng Lin;Chih-Lung Lin
A 7T1C AMOLED pixel circuit is proposed to solve the problems of VTH variations and leakage current. Simulation results show the successful detection of ±0.5 V VTH variations. Furthermore, the leakage current at the gate node of driving TFTs is also alleviated.
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Poster Session I
Dec. 3, 2021 14:00-16:00
Presider: |
郭倩丞(NCU) |
Room: |
Corridor |
Notes: |
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0592
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P001
Po-An Lin
Nickel-Induced Laterally Crystallization Polysilicon Thin Film Transistor for In-Display Photo-sensing Application
Po-An Lin;Tsung-Che Chiang;Zhen-Hao Li;Po-Tsun Liu
Polycrystalline-silicon thin-film transistors (poly-Si TFTs) were successfully manufactured with low metal contamination Ni-induced lateral crystallization (LC-NILC) and p-type poly-Si channel. The relative low power consumption and thermal budget with capability of integrating in pixels, going to meet the requirement of idea of system on panel (SoP).
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0083
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P002
Sheng-Jie Su
Enhancement of Resistive Switching Characteristics of InWZnO-based CBRAM with Low Power Consumption
Sheng-Jie Su;Chih-Chieh Hsu;Shu-Wei Chang;Po-Tsun Liu
In this study, the electrical characteristics of InWZnO based conductive bridge random access memory (CBRAM) with single and bilayer structure under low compliance current (10-5 A) are systematically investigated. However, the endurance test of bilayer IWZO CBRAM device are extracted by cycling I-V curve. The bilayer CBRAM device with insertion layer of TiOx has the best performance for endurance test. Finally, the retention property of bilayer CBRAM device can be maintained the high resistance state and low resistance over 104 s, which paved the potential way for low power applications.
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0104
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P003
Ri-Jun Li
Investigation of optical and electrochromic properties of complementary V2O5/WO3 all-solid-state electrochromic devices deposited with magnetron sputtering
Ri-Jun Li;Hsi-Chao Chen;Yu-Hung Yen;Bo-Jun Guo;Guan-Yu Chen;Tsung-tse Wu;Chu-Han Huang
Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is used as auxiliary color change layer for a complementary ITO/WO3/(LiClO4+PC)+PMMA/V2O5/ITO all-solid-state electrochromic devices. The deposited parameters of V2O5 film include the argon flow is 20 sccm, oxygen flow change from 2 to 8 sccm. However, the transmittance variation (△T) can reach 48.8% @ 500nm.
Manuscript ID. 0144
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P004
Chih-Jui Chang
Copper oxide heterojunction photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting
Chih-Jui Chang;Chih-Wei Lai;Wei-Cheng Jiang;Chang-Sik Choi;Hsin-Chieh Yu;YongMan Choi
Copper oxide heterojunction photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting were fabricated using the sol-gel thin-film deposition and electrodeposition methods. Bilayered CuO/Cu2O photocathodes exhibit a higher photoactivity than CuO and Cu2O due to excellent electron-hole separation and a faster charge transportation rate.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0380
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P005
You-Syuan Zhou
Tin Oxide Semiconductor for High Performance P-Type Thin Film Transistor Application
You-Syuan Zhou;Tsung-Che Chiang;Zhen-Hao Li;Po-Tsun Liu
In this work, we process the reactive sputtering deposition for SnO film fabrication, and adjust different ratio of O2/Ar in sputtering process and annealing temperature. 5%-SnO
18 -3 5 2 film reaches carrier concentration of 8.51 x10 cm , and sheet resistance of 1.07 x10 Ω/cm ,
Manuscript ID. 0195
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P006
Chih-Wei Lai
Enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting using nano-structured CuO-based heterojunction electrodes
Chih-Wei Lai;Yi-Syuan Li;Chih-Jui Chang;Chang-Sik Choi;YongMan Choi
Nano-structured CuO-based heterojunction photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting were fabricated by using the sol-gel thin-film deposition method. Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) quantum dots and high-entropy ABO3-type perovskite nanoparticles were successfully synthesized for fabricating heterojunction photoelectrodes on CuO.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0197
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P007
Yun-Sheng Li
Effects of UV-ozone treatment on Deep-Ultraviolet Photodetectors based on ZnGa2O4 thin film
Yun-Sheng Li;Ray-Hua Horng;Fu-Gow Tarntair
In this study, metal-semiconductor-metal(MSM) deep ultraviolet photodetectors (DUVPDS) based on ZnGa2O4 (ZGO) is fabricated, ZGO thin film is prepared by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).The effect of UV-ozone treatment on the characteristic of DUVPDS is reported. It shows better performance than the device without UV-ozone treatment.
Manuscript ID. 0515
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P008
Johan Iskandar
Post-treatment methods to improve the performance of near-infrared perovskite light-emitting diodes
Johan Iskandar;Ade Kurniawan;Xiang-Ren Teng;Cheng-Kai Hsu;Jeng-Huang Ou;Shun-Wei Liu;Hsin-Ming Cheng;Chih-Chien Lee
A feasible and effective post-treatment method is presented to improve the quality of MAPbI3 films by using bulky alkylammonium cations (Phenethylammonium iodide (PEAI) and N-butylammonium iodide (BAI)). To the perovskite LEDs, it enhances the electroluminescence properties, and decreases the turn-on voltage. Ultimately, the electroluminescence intensity of 3.07 uW is achieved with BAI post-treatment. It represents a 38% compared to the best control cell. Moreover, the whole post-treatment process is simple and cheap, which only requires of 1 mg/mL PEAI or BAI solution in isopropanol. It is beneficial to control the reaction rate by changing the volume of the solution.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Award Candidate (Applied Optoelectronics Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0527
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P009
Yi Chen
Design of shadow mask for large-area anti-reflective coating by plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering
Yi Chen;Yung-Che Lee;Chien-Jen Tang
The antireflection coating was prepared by the plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering system and the shadow-mask designed by the simulation program. The specification of the reflectance in 420 nm to 680 nm was less than 1%, and the highest reflectance did not exceed 1.5%. Verify that a large-area uniform film could be obtained through the shadow-mask designed by the simulation program.
Manuscript ID. 0164
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P010
Tseng Shih-cheng
Optimizing Zinc Oxide transparent conductive electrode to apply on light-emitting diode
Tseng Shih-cheng;Lin Yen-Sheng
In this study, the intermittent process is used to enhance the optoelectronic properties of ultra thin Zinc Oxide (ZnO) film, which will be used as transparent conductive electrode to apply on light-emitting diode.
Manuscript ID. 0518
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P011
Ade Kurniawan
Improving Efficiency in MAPbI3 based near-infrared Perovskite LED by a LiQ Interlayer
Ade Kurniawan;Johan Iskandar;Xiang-Ren Teng;Cheng-Kai Hsu;Jeng-Huang Ou;Shun-Wei Liu;Hsin-Ming Cheng;Chih-Chien Lee
In this work, we investigate the performance of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) based perovskite LEDs with LiQ as Interlayer. We found that inserting an ultrathin Lithium-Quinolate (LiQ) interlayer between the EML and ETL shows enhancement performance of external quantum efficiency (EQE) Compared to the control device without LiQ. LiQ could restrains severe photoluminescence (PL) quenching at the perovskite/ETL interface and effectively block excess electrons. A high optical output power of 856.83 μW and external quantum efficiency of 4.8 % are achieved, which represents a 2.7 times enhancement in the quantum efficiency compared to device without LiQ interlayer.
Manuscript ID. 0417
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P012
Chi Wei Ho
Study of Electrical Properties on ZTO TFTs With Different Oxygen Flow
Chi Wei Ho;Fan Ku;Shiu-Min Ma;Shih-Chang Shei
This study is about finding appropriate environment for making ZTO TFTs. We deposited and analyzed the ZTO membrane at first through transmittance, Hall Effect, Micro-PL Spectrometer and XRD. Afterwards, we deposited HFO2 as insulating layer and ZTO as channel layer in different oxygen flow by RF sputtering system. At the top of TFT, we deposited 70nm Al as gate layer. Finally, concluded that when Ar:O2 is 45:5 was the better condition for manufacturing.
Manuscript ID. 0140
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P013
Yu-Wei Lin
Investigation of optical and supercapacitance properties of doped copper oxide thin films
Yu-Wei Lin;Tai-Hsin Yin;Chih-Wei Lai;Bu-Jine Liu;Chang-Sik Choi;YongMan Choi
The sol-gel thin-film approach using spin coating was applied to prepare high-performance CuO-based supercapacitor materials. Four different doped CuO thin films with a metal cation (Ni, Co, Fe, or La) were effectively fabricated, boosting the supercapacitor performance compared to CuO.
Manuscript ID. 0105
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P014
Kun-Hong Chen
Investigation of optical and biaxial stress properties of multi-layers deposited on flexible PET with ion-assisted E-gun deposition
Kun-Hong Chen;Hsi-Chao Chen;Chun-Hao Chang;Chou-Kai Kuo;Chi-Yang Lai
The ZrO2/SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 multi-layers deposited on PET substrate with ion-assisted E-gun deposition. The optical and residual stress were investigated by spectra and shadow moiré interferometer. However, the residual stress could reduce to -297.3MPa and -132.6MPa.
Manuscript ID. 0354
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P015
Ming Yuan Chen
Optical Phase Array Based on LiNbO3 Optical Waveguide for Three-Dimensional Scanning
Ming Yuan Chen;Chia Ming Liu;Chun Nien Liu;Charles Tu;Wood Hi Cheng
The external electric field can be used to change the refractive index of LiNbO3, thereby forming an optical phased array structure for three-dimensional scanning. With the change of refractive index, the strong light coupled out of the LiNbO3 waveguide has a deflection angle of 2 degrees.
Manuscript ID. 0082
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P016
Yi-Zhe Zhang
Sputtering ZnO thin film to apply on CO gas sensor
Yi-Zhe Zhang;Yen-Sheng Lin
In this study, the different sputtering powers is used to deposit ZnO thin, which will be applied on CO gas sensor. The absorption rate and gas sensing sensitivity are measured, the optimal thin film is deposited on 200W power.
Manuscript ID. 0673
Paper No. 2021-FRI-P1001-P017
Ching-Wei Chen
Silver coating verification for space telescope mirrors
Ching-Wei Chen;Liang-Tang Chen;Chia-Ray Chen;Ching-Hsiang Kou;Zong-Ru Yu;Min-Wei Hung
Development and verification of a high quality silver coating on remote sensing telescope mirrors is demonstrated in this study. The optical coating has been implemented optical spectrum measurement and cross-cut adhesion test. The environmental test, including high temperature & humidity, thermal cycling, and radiation tests are also performed to verify the validation of this component. According to this qualification model (QM) development experience, the manufacturing of a space-qualified flight model (FM) mirror coating is expected for the future missions.
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design V
Dec. 4, 2021 09:00-10:30
Presider: |
張勝博(NCKU) |
Room: |
303e |
Notes: |
09:00 - 09:15
Manuscript ID. 0309
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O001
Hsin-Yi Lin
Superhydrophobic functional surfaces with spatially controlled adhesion
Hsin-Yi Lin
In this study, we propose a method based on liquid crystal/polymer phase separation and localized photopolymerization to realize a superhydrophobic surface with spatially controlled adhesion characterized by lotus and petal effects. The proposed strategy has the potential to manipulate the flow of a droplet and realizes a droplet deflector.
09:15 - 09:30
Manuscript ID. 0580
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O002
Xing-Hao Lo
Obliquely deposited silver on a dielectric grating as a metamaterial layer for high reflection
Yi-Jun Jen;Po-Chun Lin;Xing-Hao Lo
In this work, a small amount of silver was obliquely deposited on a dielectric subwavelength grating to form an ultra-thin metamaterial layer with morphology dependent permittivity and permeability. The anomalous TM reflection peak was induced and sensitively shifted by varying the deposition parameters.
09:30 - 09:45
Manuscript ID. 0381
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O003
Wei-Hsiang Chen
The Fabrication of a Si based UV Photo-detector and its Photo-responsivity
Ming Chang Shih;Wei-Hsiang Chen
It is attracting industry research interest for the developing of an adaptable UV photo detector for life care and safety applications. Photo-detection can be achieved by Al/TiO2/Si MIS device at reverse bias. Here, we demonstrate a Si-based MIS photo-detector of high contrast UV range photo detection.
09:45 - 10:00
Manuscript ID. 0076
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O004
Use sputtering process to deposit ZnO thin film on flexible substrate for pulse wave sensing applications
This study deposited various thickness of ZnO thin film, the electrical properties and loading test had been done, which will be applied to pulse wave sensing.
10:00 - 10:15
Manuscript ID. 0621
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O005
Ruei-Jie You
High Carrier Mobility of IGZO Thin Films by Using the Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
Ruei-Jie You;Yu-kai Lai;Sheng-Hui Chen
The electrical characteristics of IGZO have been improved by two method in this research, the process temperature and effect of Ti doping in the IGZO films. Hall measurement was used to measure the electrical properties. The higher process temperature provided more energy to reduce the defects and increased the carrier mobility in the films. The effect of the different Ti doping can be analyzed by replaced cation In as cation Ti. The carrier concentration and the carrier mobility were all increased.
Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design
Poster Session II
Dec. 4, 2021 09:30-11:30
Presider: |
陳昇暉(NCU) |
Room: |
Corridor |
Notes: |
Manuscript ID. 0176
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P001
Yong-Yu Chen
Resistance Study of Ag3PO4-Na2SiO3 Hybrid Photocatalyst to the Degradation of MB under Visible Light
Yong-Yu Chen;Jui-Yang Feng;Ming-Chang Shih;Hsin-Hui Kuo;Wen-How Lan
The Ag3PO4-Na2SiO3 hybrid composites were deposited by spray pyrolysis with different Ag/P atomic ratios in the precursor. The photocatalytic properties of the films and sheet resistance between repeated runs were characterized. The film with Ag/P=3 shows low resistance, high photocatalytic ability and stability. The resistance effects were discussed.
Manuscript ID. 0667
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P002
An-Kai Shih
TiO2 Nanostructures for Glucose Sensor Fabricated by Hydrothermal Growth Method
An-Kai Shih;Jhih-Yuan Jhu;Feng-Jui Hsu;Chih-Chiang Yang;Yan-Kuin Su
In this study, the hydrothermal growth method was used to prepare TiO2 for glucose sensor because of its many advantages such as high reactivity, low cost fabrication, low energy requirement, and easy processing. By changing the annealing temperature of TiO2, the best parameters were found to achieve high sensitivity.
Manuscript ID. 0084
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P003
yu chang chen
The Effects of Post-Annealing Treatment on Photocatalytic Activity of Spray Pyrolysis Deposited TiO2 Thin Films
yu chang chen;yao te wang
This study adopts simple, fast, and low-cost ultrasonic spray pyrolysis to fabricate titanium dioxide thin films on silicon substrates, annealing the films at different pressures and gases, observing the crystal structure by X-ray diffraction (XRD), then calculating the degradation efficiency of methylene blue with the spectrometer.Tio₂ thin films were prepared by USP, then annealed in different gases at temperature of 500°C for one hour. The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue revealed that an annealing time of one hour in vacuum has the best degradation rate and annealing in ammonia has better degradation rate than nitrogen.
Manuscript ID. 0204
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P004
ChiAn Wang
Process improvement with multiple quality characteristics via Taguchi methods and BPNN
ChiAn Wang;KuoPing Chen
This article presents the effectiveness of optimizing multiple quality characteristics via Taguchi method and BPNN (Back propagation neural network), and has been successfully applied to optimize the PECVD thin film stress to reduce the flake defect. Optimizing process parameters: pressure, gas flow, and RF power to decrease the film stress and keep original level of multi-quality characteristics such as thickness, reflectivity, fluorine content, and uniformity.
Manuscript ID. 0344
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P005
Sheng-Po Chang
Investigation of MgGa2O4 Fabricated as Switching Layer of Resistive Random Access Memory
Yu-Neng Kao;Wei-Lun Huang;Sheng-Po Chang;Wei-Chih Lai;Shoou-Jinn Chang
In this paper, we demonstrated a new material (MgGa2O4) for being RRAM device with Al top electrode, the outstanding characteristics including endurance, retention time, ON/OFF current ratio conducted by series of experiments indicated this this material possessed potential fabricated as switching layers for resistive memory application.
Manuscript ID. 0596
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P006
Ting-Yen Lin
Design a TiN-SiO2 symmetrical film stack for thermophotovoltaic application
Yi-Jun Jen;Ting-Yen Lin
In this work, a symmetrical film stack composed of TiN and SiO2 thin films is designed to achieve an edge filter that exhibits high reflection at infrared range and high absorption at visible range. Such filter can be applied as a thermophotovoltaic device.
Manuscript ID. 0209
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P007
En-Wei Ni
Research on Improving Epitaxial Growth of Gallium Oxide by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy by Pulse Flow Modulation Method
En-Wei Ni;Po-Yuan Cheng;Chu-An Lee;Mitch M.C. Chou
The Pulse Flow Modulation Method (PFM) was used to improve the epitaxial quality of the Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE), using sapphire substrate with a gallium nitride (GaN) buffer layer grows the β-phase gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) film. The best parameters of the gallium oxide epitaxy film are the gallium zone temperature of 600 °C, the deposition zone temperature of 900 °C, the growth pressure of 100 Torr, the HCl flow rate of 0.02 SLM, and the growth time of 180 min.The FWHM is 0.77∘, and the rate of growth was 1.375μm/hr.
Manuscript ID. 0574
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P008
Sripansuang Tangsuwanjinda
Silver Decorated Zinc Oxide Nanostructure as a Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Chip for Acetamiprid Detection
Sripansuang Tangsuwanjinda;Tsung-Yi Su;Zhe-Zheng Su;Ren-Hao Ko;Zhi-Xuan Tsai;Hsin-Ming Cheng
In this study, the semiconductor ZnO tetrapod nanostructure was favourably used for designing the porous structure and accompany by plasmonic metal Ag nanoparticles to synthesis the hybridization of unique SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) chips on the ITO glass substrate (Ag@ZnO-ITO) via simple photo-irradiation induced deposition. This chip shows excellent SERS effect and has a significant signal performance to analyze the pesticide molecular of acetamiprid with very low concentration in water.
Manuscript ID. 0659
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P009
Zhong-Jun Jiang
Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Silicon substrate by Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
Zhong-Jun Jiang;Jen-Hao Wei;Sheng-Hui Chen
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), a two-dimensional material, has a similar structure with graphene but including wide bandgap. In this study, h-BN films were grown on silicon substrates by using low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. The quality of the h-BN films is analyzed by controlling the gas flow and process time.
Manuscript ID. 0504
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P010
Cheng-Chung Jaing
Surface and Interface Layers between Polyethylene Terephthalate and Ta2O5 Film by Surface Pretreatment Using Oxygen Plasma
Ching-Wei Chi;Lin-Chun Huang;Chen-Chi Huang;Cheng-Chung Jaing;Bing-Mau Chen;Yih-Shing Lee
The optical properties, thickness, and water contact angle of surface and interface layers between the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and sputtered Ta2O5 films were investigated with spectrophotometer, spectroscopic ellipsometer, and contact angle measurement system, respectively. The surface of PET had been treated with oxygen plasma.
Manuscript ID. 0172
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P011
Pang-Liang Liu
Characterization of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films with Multi-Metallic Stacked Structure
Pang-Liang Liu;Shou-Yi Kuo;Fang-I Lai;Jui-Fu Yang
The effect of device characteristics of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films by using multi-metallic stacked structure is investigated. When the number of the stacked layer changes from 3 to 15, the surface of the film become uniform and full width at half maximum of CZTSe can be reduce from 0.27 to 0.2.
Manuscript ID. 0459
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P012
Chien-Shun Liang
Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Volatile Organic Gas Sensing
Chi-Feng Lin;Chien-Shun Liang;Chin-Chung Chen;Yu-Hsuan Ho
In this report, we demonstrate high-sensitivity volatile organic gas sensors with nano-scale carbon black as the active material. The conductivity of carbon black changed under oxidizing and reducing gases and thus the sensitivity of the sensor changed with the concentration of the gas. The sensitivity of the sensor changed from 0.49% to 7.21% whiled the ethanol concentration changed from 100 ppm to 7000 ppm in room temperature.
Manuscript ID. 0507
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P013
Cheng-Chung Jaing
Visible Light Absorption for Thin Films of Nb, Mo, and W
Jui-Hung Wang;Chao-Te Lee;Jen-Hao Wen;Cheng-Chung Jaing;Bing-Mau Chen;Yih-Shing Lee
The visible light absorptance, reflectance, and optical constants of Nb, Mo, and W films were investigated with a spectrophotometer and a spectroscopic ellipsometer, respectively, when the transmittance was controlled at about 3%. The absorption of Nb fim was the largest due to the smallest reflectance of the film.
Manuscript ID. 0156
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P014
Shih-Wei Ying
Study of ITO-ZnO:In Hybrid on ITO by Spray Pyrolysis
Shih-Wei Ying;Ming-Chang Shih;Mu-Chun Wang;Wen-How Lan
The transparent conducting oxide indium tin oxide (ITO) and ZnO:In hybrid composites were deposited on ITO by spray pyrolysis with controlled deposition time. With optical and electrical study, samples with high transmittance and low sheet resistance were achieved for films deposited with different deposition time. The origins were discussed.
Manuscript ID. 0394
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P015
Bing-Hsuan Liang
A single layer of large-area molybdenum disulfide is grown by direct vulcanization
Bing-Hsuan Liang;Kuan-Fu Lin;Vladimir E Fedorov;Hsiang-Chen Wang
In this study, we first use electron beam evaporation to deposit a molybdenum film on a sapphire substrate, and use the direct vulcanization method to grow a single-layer molybdenum disulfide film in a high-temperature furnace tube. This research result can be a reference for growing molybdenum disulfide in a large area. We hope that this structure can be applied to various heterojunctions, sensors, solar cells, and thin-film transistors.
Manuscript ID. 0717
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P016
Chia-Cheng Yu
Photocatalytic Performance of CuO Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Wen-Kuan Hung;Jia-Jin Ye;Kai-Yu Liu;Chia-Cheng Yu
In this study, PLD (Pulsed Laser Deposition) was used to prepare CuO film on a C-plane sapphire substrate. Its crystal structure and thin film properties were analyzed by X-ray diffractometer, Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. We study the effects of changing the copper oxide film, substrate temperature, background pressure, and gas flow during casting on the characteristics of the copper oxide photocatalyst film. Then put the sample into the methylene solution for degradation experiment, and use ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure the degraded methylene blue solution to analyze its photocatalyst effect.
Manuscript ID. 0718
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P017
Yi-Sheng Yang
Properties of Ni doped CuO conducting Thin Films Prepared by Pulse Laser Deposition
Yi-Sheng Yang;Chih-Yi Chen;Wei-Kuan Hung;Pei-Yu Tsai
In this paper, PLD (pulsed laser deposition) was used to prepare copper oxide nickle-doped film on C-face sapphire. Its crystal structure and thin film properties were analyzed by X-ray diffractometer, penetrating spectrometer and Hall measurement. By comparing the thickness of copper oxide grown under different doping concentrations, different environmental pressures and different temperature conditions, the most suitable concentration, the best environmental pressure and the most suitable temperature are selected in sequence.
Manuscript ID. 0123
Paper No. 2021-SAT-P1002-P018
Tsung-Te Chou
Saturation curves of indium oxide deposited by atomic layer deposition
Tsung-Te Chou;Chan-Yuen Chang;Chi-Chung Kei
Indium oxide film was deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) in this study. Saturation curve of indium oxide is measured with the dosage of Trimethylindium (TMI) from 0.1 to 1 s. Growth rates of indium oxide measured by ellipsometer are 0.53 Å / cycle at 150 oC and 0.47 Å / cycle at 250 oC, respectively. The surface roughness of indium oxide is 1.924 nm measured by AFM. Indium oxide film with good thickness control and good conformality and thus its optical and electrical properties can be controlled.