Session Index

Nanophotonic Materials and Devices

Nanophotonic Materials and Devices V
Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021  09:00-10:30
Presider: Prof. Shih-Hsiang Hsu (NTUST)
Room: 302a
09:00 - 09:15
Manuscript ID.  0206
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0105-O001
THALITA MAYSHA HERNINDA Optical and Electrical Properties of Selenium-Doped Zirconium Dichalcogenides ZrS2−xSex (x = 0, 1, 2) Grown by Chemical Vapor Transport

The structure optical and electrical properties of ZrS2-xSex single crystal with composition x=0, 1, and 2 were grown by CVT method with Iodine as the transport agent. The HRTEM and XRD revealed that ZrS2-xSex were crystallized in 1T structure with lattice constant increase as the doping increased. The energy-gap of ZrS2-xSex were shifted to lower energy as doping increased. Two Raman vibrational modes were detected at 300K. Resistivity and Hall-effect measurement indicated that the series are N-type semiconductors. Thermoelectric of ZrS2-xSex was investigated from 25 to 300K. At 300K, ZrSe2 demonstrates the highest ZT value of 0.08 among the series.

09:15 - 09:30
Manuscript ID.  0237
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0105-O002
Jia-Xin Li Fe3GeTe2-based Magnetic Van der Waals heterostructures for Valleytronics applications
Jia-Xin Li;Wei-Qing Li;Po-Liang Chen;Tian-Yun Chang;Chang-Hua Liu

Having the capability of manipulating the valley degree of freedom is essential for the future valleytronics applications, and such devices could provide a new way of data encoding and information processing. We developed the novel van der Waals heterostructures that incorporate a Fe3GeTe2 ferromagnetic tunneling contact. The contact can inject spin-polarized carriers and consequently lead to valley polarization of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), as confirmed by our helicity-dependent electroluminescence measurements. Our results show the possibility of electrically manipulating the valley degree of freedom of TMDs.

09:30 - 09:45
Manuscript ID.  0257
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0105-O003
Po-Sheng Huang Optimal polarization conversion using a toroidal-Fano-resonant metasurface
Po-Sheng Huang;Amir Hassanfiroozi;Pin Chieh Wu

In this work, we experimentally demonstrate an array of single-layer plasmonic metasurface with a linear cross-polarization conversion efficiency reaching ~22.9%, which is comparable to the theoretical limit. The high polarization conversion efficiency arises from the Fano-like coupling of toroidal dipole and quadrupole resonances.

09:45 - 10:00
Manuscript ID.  0313
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0105-O004
Sheng-Jie Shen Chip-Level Meta-Corrector for Cooke Triplet
Sheng-Jie Shen;Chih-Ming Wang

A chip-level meta-corrector stacked on CMOS image sensor is proposed to improve the optical performance of a Cooke triplet. It is theoretically demonstrated that the spot size of a Cooke triplet consisting of three pieces of spherical lenses can be significantly reduced from 43 um to 0.565 um

10:00 - 10:15
Manuscript ID.  0464
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0105-O005
Zhi-Qun Wang Ultra-broadband Tunable and Chirality Invertible Bragg-Berry Optical Vortex Generators Based on Molecular-Motor-Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
Zhi-Qun Wang;Chia-Rong Lee

We demonstrates an advanced planar phase modulator called Bragg-Berry optical vortex generator (BBOVG) based on molecular-motor-doped cholesteric liquid crystals. The BBOVG can generate reflected vortex beams with a wavelength tunable in an ultra-broadband photonic bandgap (PBG) and a sign invertibility of orbital angular momentum, by controlling the pitch and the topological charge of the BBOVG under the UV illumination and applied voltage.

10:15 - 10:30
Manuscript ID.  0563
Paper No.  2021-SAT-S0105-O006
Mochamad Januar Unraveling the ultranarrow ultraviolet plasmonic on the array of Al nanodisk through the modification of the nanodisk base angle and the embedded substrate
Mochamad Januar;Bei Liu;Kou-Chen Liu

This work investigates the correlation between substrate and base angle effects on arrays of Al nanodisks, which unveils a dipolar plasmonic shift and the emergence of two other plasmon modes with ultranarrow bandwidths at shorter wavelengths. The narrow-bandwidth resonance facilitates high Q-factor resonators and a more diffuse electric field, potentially increasing signal resolution in sensing applications and enhancing plasmon-exciton coupling over a wider area in solid-state lighting devices.