Invited Speakers

S1. Nanophotonic Materials and Devices

Prof.Kuo-Ping Chen 陳國平Taiwan

Nano-fabrication, Optical properties of metamaterials, Plasmonics, E-beam lithography Nonlinear Optics

Title: Bound State in the Continuum with Dielectric Metasurfaces and Tamm Plasmonics Polaritons 

S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications

Prof. Andrea FioreNetherlands

Nanophotonic devices

Title: Integrated optomechanical sensing

Prof. Kiichi HamamotoJapan

Photonics devices, semiconductor laser, waveguide devices, high power semiconductor light source

OSA fellow

Title: Photonic integrated circuit for daily health-check system

Prof. Dries Van Thourhout Belgium

Silicon nanophotonic devices and the integration of novel materials

OSA Fellow, IEEE Photonics Society Fellow, SPIE Fellow

Title: Integration of novel materials on Si and SiN photonic ICs

S3. Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Dr. Frank SetzpfandtGermany

Quantum photonics, nanophotonics, nonlinear optics

Research group leader at Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany

Title: Parametric frequency conversion in nanostructured lithium niobate

Prof. Tien-Chang Lu 盧廷昌 Taiwan

GaN VCSELs, Surface plasmon polariton nanolasers, Microcavity polariton lasers,
GaN-based LEDs, Photonic crystal surface emitting lasers, Perovskite lasers

Title: Progress of active control of surface plasmon polariton nanolasers on graphene-insulator-metal platform

S4. Holography and Information Processing

Prof. Yasuhiro AwatsujiJapan

Ultra-fast imaging
Digital holography
3D imaging
Display tecnology

Title: High-Speed Imaging of Dynamic and Transparent Object by Parallel Phase-Shifting Digital Holograph

Prof. Chengkuo LeeSingapore

Optical MEMS, Nano-photonics, Biophotonics

JST Fellow

Title: Presentation title Mid-Infrared Photonics Using Silicon and AlN Platform Technology

Prof. Eriko WatanabeJapan

Optical Information Processing, Optical Correlation, Optical Interferometry, Holography, Digital Holography, Optical Memory, Optical Computing, Holographic Memory

Title: Planar-lightwave-circuit-based digital holographic microscope and its applications

We present a high-speed PLC-DHM using a thin film heater with no moving parts and no lenses; this device is ultracompact and can have various optical functions because of its high flexibility of design. Furthermore, 3-D imaging through a heterogeneous medium by phase-shift digital holography is also described.

S5. Optical Design

Dr. Ozan CakmakciUSA

Optical System Design, Freeform Optics, Augmented Reality, Kernel Methods, Gradient Index Optics, Diffractive Optics

Staff Optical Designer / Project Google glass

Title: Recent advances in flat and curved lightguides

S6. Biophotonics and Biomedical Imaging

Prof. Ji-Xin ChengUSA

Expert on Molecular spectroscopic imaging technologies, Label-free microscopy, and Neurophotonics

OSA FellowAIMBE Fellow

Title: Bond-Selective Imaging by Optically Sensing the Mid-Infrared Photothermal Effect

Prof. Olivier SopperaFrance

Expert on photopolymerization and photostructuring of molecularly imprinted polymers for sensor applications)

Title: 2D and 3D Photopatterning of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP) for Biosensing Applications.

Prof. Yoshimasa KawataJapan

Laser microscopy, three-dimesinsional imaging theory, photorefractive optics, three-dimensional memory, nonlinear optics

OSA Fellow

Title: High resolution bio-imaging and cell stimulation by electron-beam excitation assisted (EXA) optical microscopy

S7. Display Technology

Prof. Hidenori MimuraJapan

Devices and Systems for Nanovision-Science and its application -, Photon Counting Devices, Photon Counting X-ray CT, Image Processing with Analytical Expression

Title: Growth of drawable CNT and its application to a data glove

Prof. Jian HsuUSA

Nanoscience, Bionanoscience and Engineering; Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Lasers

Title: Color Conversion in III-Nitride Micro-LEDs with Embedded Nanostructures

S8. Solid State LightingBiomedical Imaging

Prof. Jung Han (韓仲 教授)USA

Wide bandgap semiconductor materials, optoelectronic and microelectronic devices, nanoscale materials and devices, semiconductor epitaxy, hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors.

IEEE Fellow

Title: Presentation title III-nitride photonic devices, structures, and circuits

S9. Photovoltaic Technology

Prof. Junseok HeoKorea

III-V semiconductors,elemental semiconductors,nanowires,semiconductor laser arrays,gallium arsenide,gallium compounds,indium compounds,integrated optics,microcavity

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Title: MoS2/Ge van der Waals heterojunction device towards broadband photodetection

Prof. Naoki FUKATA (深田直樹)Japan

Nanodevices with Navel Structures Transistor, Nanocrystalline materials, Hydrogen in Si, In situ diagnostic of defects formation

International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (國立研究開發法人物質材料研究機構, MANA)主任研究者

Title: Nanostructured Solar Cells with combined function of Silicon and Perovskite Nanostructures

Prof. Miyasaka Tsutomu (宮坂力)Japan

Solution-Printable and Lightweight Flexible Photovoltaic (PV) Cells, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells

RCAST Fellow

Title: Interfacial and compositional engineering for high-voltage perovskite solar cells

S10. Thin-Film Technology & Coating Design

Prof. Po-Tsun Liu 劉柏村Taiwan

Nanostructured Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Title: Versatile Thin Film Transistors for Display Electronics Applications

OPTIC 2021 Member

 Important Dates

Paper Submission Opening:

Online Registration Beginning:

Paper Submission Deadline:
2021/10/07 Final Extension

Acceptance Notice:
2021/10/21 First Acceptance Notice

Early-Bird Online Registration Deadline:

Refund Deadline:

Online Registration Deadline: