Paper Preparation Guidelines

This interational conference OPTIC has been a Closed /Internal materials and discussion over the years, only as a CD or USB collection, without ISBN, without released citation information and no proceeding have been published.
Relevant preliminary research results are welcome to be submitted to OPTIC as an opportunity for mutual discussion between scholars/experts in related fields and intended to avoid the problems of subsequent journal submissions.

OPTIC 2021 includes both oral and poster sessions of invited and contributed papers, as well as 6 exciting plenary talks at the forefront of important topics. As the success of OPTIC 2021 relies heavily on your contributions and participations, we hereby invite you to submit your manuscript and attend the conference at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology,Kaohsiung.


Authors submitting papers to OPTIC 2021 are required to fill in the online submission form, to submit a 100-word abstract and a 2-page summary in PDF format online, and also to sign a copyright agreement. Papers submission will be opening from May 2, 2021 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00). The deadline for the submission is September 13, 2021 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00) October 7, 2021 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00). The notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by email before October 12, 2021 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00)  to the corresponding author only.
The complete online submission includes the following:

  1. A complete online submission form
  2. A 100-word Abstract
  3. A 2-page summary in PDF format
  4. A copyright agreement

Electronic Submission: Papers submitted by email or fax will not be accepted. The Author must fill in required information for the manuscript, including the title of the paper, the affiliations of authors and co-authors, the contact information, the types of presentation like oral or poster, and a 100-word abstract. All information must be completed in English, and incomplete information will result in an unsuccessful paper submission.

Language: English

Student Contest: The student should be the presenter and the first author of the paper in order to be qualified for the student paper awards contest.



The single column, 2-page manuscript should be submitted in PDF format online. The paper size should be A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) and the paragraph should be typed in single-space. All contents, including drawings, charts, photographs, tables, figures, and references should be fitted in 2 pages. For specific style guideline and standard manuscript template (MSWord template or Latex style file), please download the following templates for your reference.

Important Information about Preparing your Paper:The quality of your PDF files is important as the papers accepted will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Please verify carefully your manuscript for electronic publishing.

A revision of the paper can only be accepted till the paper submission deadline.



如果您的發表是科技部光電學門贊助的研究計畫成果,請填寫相關訊息後提交1 頁稿件,並出席在高雄科技大學舉行的會議。研究計畫(MOST)成果的投稿截止日期與OPTIC 2021相同(僅限電子提交)。計畫成果報告範本請參考上述投稿OPTIC之投稿指引與範例。

If your presentation is associated with the research project sponsored by Photonics Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, please fill in the related information and submit your manuscript within 1-page and attend the conference at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung.
The deadline of the research project (MOST) submission (electronic only) for the submission is same as the OPTIC 2021.
Please refer to the OPTIC style guide and manuscript template shown as above.

僅參加「光電學門計畫成果發表」不投稿OPTIC 2021者,完成帳號建立且投稿送出即可(不用報名),於取得帳號後,上傳科技部1頁成果即可。
如為光電學門計畫成果,同時要投稿OPTIC 2021研討會參賽者,僅需於OPTIC 2021研討會上傳2頁成果,毋須2邊投稿。
另提醒:無論是選poster 還是 oral,都必須到現場接受交流與詢答。

OPTIC 2021 Member

 Important Dates

Paper Submission Opening:

Online Registration Beginning:

Paper Submission Deadline:
2021/10/07 Final Extension

Acceptance Notice:
2021/10/21 First Acceptance Notice

Early-Bird Online Registration Deadline:

Refund Deadline:

Online Registration Deadline: