09:00 - 09:15
Manuscript ID. 0309
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O001
Hsin-Yi Lin
Superhydrophobic functional surfaces with spatially controlled adhesion
Hsin-Yi Lin
In this study, we propose a method based on liquid crystal/polymer phase separation and localized photopolymerization to realize a superhydrophobic surface with spatially controlled adhesion characterized by lotus and petal effects. The proposed strategy has the potential to manipulate the flow of a droplet and realizes a droplet deflector.
09:15 - 09:30
Manuscript ID. 0580
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O002
Xing-Hao Lo
Obliquely deposited silver on a dielectric grating as a metamaterial layer for high reflection
Yi-Jun Jen;Po-Chun Lin;Xing-Hao Lo
In this work, a small amount of silver was obliquely deposited on a dielectric subwavelength grating to form an ultra-thin metamaterial layer with morphology dependent permittivity and permeability. The anomalous TM reflection peak was induced and sensitively shifted by varying the deposition parameters.
09:30 - 09:45
Manuscript ID. 0381
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O003
Wei-Hsiang Chen
The Fabrication of a Si based UV Photo-detector and its Photo-responsivity
Ming Chang Shih;Wei-Hsiang Chen
It is attracting industry research interest for the developing of an adaptable UV photo detector for life care and safety applications. Photo-detection can be achieved by Al/TiO2/Si MIS device at reverse bias. Here, we demonstrate a Si-based MIS photo-detector of high contrast UV range photo detection.
09:45 - 10:00
Manuscript ID. 0076
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O004
Use sputtering process to deposit ZnO thin film on flexible substrate for pulse wave sensing applications
This study deposited various thickness of ZnO thin film, the electrical properties and loading test had been done, which will be applied to pulse wave sensing.
10:00 - 10:15
Manuscript ID. 0621
Paper No. 2021-SAT-S1005-O005
Ruei-Jie You
High Carrier Mobility of IGZO Thin Films by Using the Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
Ruei-Jie You;Yu-kai Lai;Sheng-Hui Chen
The electrical characteristics of IGZO have been improved by two method in this research, the process temperature and effect of Ti doping in the IGZO films. Hall measurement was used to measure the electrical properties. The higher process temperature provided more energy to reduce the defects and increased the carrier mobility in the films. The effect of the different Ti doping can be analyzed by replaced cation In as cation Ti. The carrier concentration and the carrier mobility were all increased.